Arise Blog

Legacy of Faith

ONE Statement

In my last blog, we processed the power of one safe adult. Now let’s look at a powerful statement that might change the way you parent.  Have you

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Imitating Christ

“Mom, it’s happening again! She’s just doing everything I do,” my middle daughter said with a look of frustration in her eyes. Her younger sister was picking out

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Life Lessons

ONE Stable Adult

In March 2015, Harvard released a study saying that every child who winds up doing well has had at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive

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Building Character

Regaining Our Focus

I really do admire the intense focus of a teenager playing video games. I mean it! I’m pretty sure Batman could barge into the living room wearing a

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Building Character

Hole In The Wall

I have a rowdy boy who is always playing some sport, even if he makes it up. He’s tossing, hitting, or kicking a ball at any given moment,

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Building Character

Teen Talk

I could tell by the way he walked from the bus to my house that the weight of the world was on my son’s shoulders. We had been

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The Best Mother’s Day Gift

Every Mother’s Day I think about forgiveness and the $2500 pebble a surgeon removed from my son’s right ear! Here’s why. Several years ago, I was preparing to

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Everyday Life


Raising two boys has caused me to despise the word “good.” It seems as though any question I ask is often answered with that word. How was school?

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