Arise Blog

Emotional Wellness

When Conflict Is Constant

“I just don’t know what to do,” my friend said through tears as she showed me her text messages. She had messaged her ex-husband to tell him that

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A Proud American

“I’m a history buff. I love studying the founding of our country. Through genealogy research I’ve discovered that my ancestors were part of the first colonists. Red, white,

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Building Character


As we began the process of creating Arise Single Moms twenty-two years ago, it involved many facets—from completing tons of paperwork, to forming a board of directors, to

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Life Lessons

ONE Stable Adult

In March 2015, Harvard released a study saying that every child who winds up doing well has had at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive

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Building Character

Not My Dog

Sometimes we’re experts at getting all up in other people’s business. We believe we know better, or that our advice is what they need. Everything from how to

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Legacy of Faith

A Year Of Sowing

Towards the end of 2023 I was reflecting, like most people, on what the year I was slowly waving goodbye to had brought me. I’m generally an introspective

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Legacy of Faith

3 Powerful Words

I am going to choose not to share a personal experience this go around. Instead, I’ll start by saying I hate boasting, but I am well-versed in apologizing

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Building Character

25 Things I Wish I Knew

Aging is usually considered negative, and most people fear it or try to avoid it. It’s not something you look forward to or embrace. But there are so

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Everyday Life

Firm Foundations

“Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.” The wolf’s famous words in the story “The Three Little Pigs” always made me grin because

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Building Character

Making Wise Decisions

“Which choice do you think you’ll make?” I asked a friend while sitting down for coffee. My heart broke as I watched her doubt herself over and over.

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