Arise Blog


Imitating Christ

“Mom, it’s happening again! She’s just doing everything I do,” my middle daughter said with a look of frustration in her eyes. Her younger sister was picking out

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Building Character

The Power of Your Story

We all have a story. Our stories consist of joy, sorrow, success, failure, hope, disappointment, and probably anything else we can think of. I’m grateful for the opportunity

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Building Character

Change Is Hard

Change is hard. My personality type demands routine. I’m happy when life stays the same without unexpected surprises. When standards in my life fluctuate, I feel all kinds

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Emotional Wellness

My Story of Desperation

Do you remember being in elementary school and dreaming up make-believe fairy tales to your own story? Who you would marry, what you would name your kids, even

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Troubled Heart?

What is the heaviest thing you have ever lifted? I read an article recently about two mothers who single-handedly lifted a 1.1-ton car off of a young boy

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Everyday Life

Firm Foundations

“Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down.” The wolf’s famous words in the story “The Three Little Pigs” always made me grin because

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Building Character

Making Wise Decisions

“Which choice do you think you’ll make?” I asked a friend while sitting down for coffee. My heart broke as I watched her doubt herself over and over.

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Emotional Wellness

Strengths & Weaknesses

This week I was sitting in a room of 7th and 8th grade girls when one of them said, “We impress people with our strengths, but we connect

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