Regaining Our Focus

I really do admire the intense focus of a teenager playing video games.

I mean it! I’m pretty sure Batman could barge into the living room wearing a tutu and do the chicken dance and my children still wouldn’t look up, depending on what game they were playing. Wouldn’t you love to have that same ability to focus…but on the right things?

Now that school has started you might find yourself feeling completely out of focus. The constant barrage of emails, project requests, text messages, and chaos of life can feel like it will never stop. There’s always so much to do that it’s hard to stay focused on anything! What can we do? These three tips that have helped me regain focus this school year:

1. Start your day focusing your mind on Christ. “…set your minds on things that are above, not on things of this earth” (Colossians 3:2). In this passage, Paul reminds us that no matter what tries to get our attention, we first and foremost must have laser focus on Jesus and the hope that is to come. I want to challenge you to set your alarm ten minutes before your kids wake up. When it goes off, don’t grab your phone. Instead, take some deep breaths and tell God that you trust him. Keep your Bible nearby and read a short passage as you breathe and focus your mind on him. This time also is a good reminder that your worth is not found in how many tasks you get done. Your worth is based on who God says you are and that he loves you.

2. Make a list before distractions kick in. Taking a few minutes to write down what you need to accomplish that day before jumping into tasks saves a lot of time later. I use this time to get all the crazy in my brain down onto paper. Most of the time I breathe a sigh of relief because they’re not as overwhelming as I had thought. Can I suggest another tip? On my list each day I make sure to write down the name of one person I want to pray for and encourage. That way no matter how busy I get I take the time to pause and lift up either a friend or one of my children. This often gives me energy to complete the rest of my list.

3. Be okay with putting your cell phone away. Our brains need a break from the constant pull of a cell phone. Emails and texts can be big distractions that make it difficult to focus. Try putting your phone down and only checking it periodically. Worried about your kids? Most phones have a way to assign specific ringtones to specific people so you’ll know if you need to go check it.

Kelly Wehunt, Arise Ministries Director of Events and Programs

About Kelly Wehunt

Kelly Wehunt is the Director of Events and Programs at Arise Single Moms. She has worked in several kids ministry and student ministry roles over the past 15 years and has a strong passion for helping parents see that they can disciple their kids. In her free time, Kelly loves to write, play golf, and laugh a lot with her three amazing children.