When Will I See God’s Faithfulness?

If you’re like me, when I have a worrisome problem that won’t leave me alone AND I’ve prayed about it multiple times, it’s easy to become discouraged when I don’t see even a dewdrop of God’s provision in the matter. I mean, how long must we wait until we see the faithfulness of God come through on our behalf? Perhaps you, too, have wanted immediate results when you’ve struggled with an issue. But often we don’t see the hand of God that moved over our requests until years later.  

Recently I was privileged to witness my grandson enter prekindergarten and my granddaughter enter first grade. Big deal! Right? Of course, like any grandmother, I was one of the first ones in the building, eagerly waiting to take their pictures as they entered their classrooms. As I stood there, I witnessed all the happy mommies and daddies bringing their treasured possessions to this momentous life occasion. 

Then, all of a sudden, my mind switched to over twenty-five years ago, and I saw myself in those halls taking my own two children to school for the first time. Only my story looked different. I was a brand new SINGLE mother; there was no daddy walking by my side. It seemed all I could see were happy young couples—complete families—celebrating this occasion. I had felt like an outcast, mushing my way through the halls and looking at the faces who had no idea that behind my counterfeit smile was a crushed heart. 

As I stood there painfully reminiscing, God moved over my heart and reminded me that even in those days of walking the lonely halls, God was at work behind the scenes. Though I could not see nor feel it at the time, God had not abandoned me. I was reminded of Jesus’ very words in John 5:17, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working on your behalf.”  But it’s hard to see His workings sometimes when we’re in the middle of a crisis.

And then I snapped out of it and BAM! I was back in the moment just in time to see my daughter and her husband turn the corner with little Max making his way to the classroom. Yet, no longer was I looking at Max and gearing up to take his picture. I was observing my daughter Sara… now grown… with children of her own…happily married. Thankfulness flooded over me. Then I witnessed April, my son’s wife, turning the corner with my newly promoted first grader, Kaili Ann. In all the years of tears and repeated pleadings at God’s throne for Him to give my two children wonderful spouses, at this moment I felt privileged to be witnessing His faithfulness. 

I wanted to cry. I’m not sure why. Was it because my grandbabies were growing up? Was it because my daughter was now experiencing what I never got to experience? Was it because I was totally in love with my daughter-in-law? Or was it because at that moment I realized the value of pressing into God and His ways for a lifetime? Actually, I think it was all the above. 

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. —Romans 8:28, NASB

About Pam Kanaly   

Aloha! I’m Pam Kanaly, President and co-founder of Arise Ministries. But actually, I think Arise found me wanting to bless single moms years ago. Ministry was never on my mind as a kid. All I wanted to be was a hula dancer. So Mother enrolled me in the tiny tots’ class. Guess God knew I’d have two grandbabies born in Hawaii. I love the great outdoors. You might even find me spending time with my husband grizzly bear watching or camping. In fact, it was on a turkey hunt that God gave me the name Arise Ministries in 2002. I suppose it’s a good thing that I majored in Grammar in college since I love to write words of encouragement to single moms.