People often ask, “Why did you start Arise Ministries?” Great question! As is true with most of us, our passions are birthed out of our losses (that is… once we recover.) As a single mom left with two young children many years ago, all I knew was I didn’t think the pain would EVER go away!
Looking back, there are so many single mom tidbits I wish I would have known. Goodness, it would have relieved me of many sleepless nights.
- What if I would have had a Pam Kanaly in my life?
- What if I would have had a Survive ‘N’ Thrive Conference where I found SO MUCH SUPPORT I felt I was on the upper floor of heaven?
- What if I would have had over 20 breakout sessions to choose from to help me? (I would certainly have chosen the one on Anger and Bitterness).
- What if?
Then one day, God made it clear. I was to be the one to start a ministry and grant wisdom concerning the things I wish I would have known. So what are those things?
#1 – I wish I would have known that the kids were going to be ok. As a mom, we stew and fret that they are going to be damaged, somehow.
#2 – I wish I would have known that I didn’t need another man in my life to give my kids what they needed. Jesus was ENOUGH!
#3 – I wish I would have known my own “self” better. Guess it served as a good launching pad later as that was the title of my second book: The Single Mom and Her Rollercoaster Emotions.
#4 – I wish I would have known the reality of a blended family. It would have helped me to understand that what I was feeling those early years of my second marriage was normal.
#5 – I wish I would have known more “How To’s” – (How to overcome loneliness? How to find support? How to parent alone?)
All these “I Wishes” served as the catalyst that God used to birth the Arise Ministries’ Survive ‘N’ Thrive Conference. So why does a single mom need to come to the event? Friend, where else can she find hundreds of single moms who understand her joys and challenges – whether single again, never married, or widowed? Where else can she find an environment where she’s unconditionally loved without one stitch of shame or condemnation, leaving empowered and ready for the journey?
Survive ‘N’ Thrive has blessed hundreds and hundreds of moms and kids over the last twelve years with boo-koos of volunteers exercising their spiritual gifts of service and hugs. All I can say is THIS YEAR is going to be the BEST yet! It will be “the” year everyone will talk about for months!
- The Super Hero theme? FABULOUS!
- The speakers? FABULOUS!
- The childcare? FABULOUS!
- The door prizes? FABULOUS!
- The God who has a word for you? FABULOUS!
You simply can’t miss this one! Hey – I’ll be waiting at the door for you!
About Pam Kanaly
Aloha! I’m Pam Kanaly, President and co-founder of Arise Ministries. But actually, I think Arise found me wanting to bless single moms years ago. Ministry was never on my mind as a kid. All I wanted to be was a hula dancer. So Mother enrolled me in the tiny tots’ class. Guess God knew I’d have two grandbabies born in Hawaii. I love the great outdoors. You might even find me spending time with my husband grizzly bear watching or camping. In fact, it was on a turkey hunt that God gave me the name Arise Ministries in 2002. I suppose it’s a good thing that I majored in Grammar in college since I love to write words of encouragement to single moms.