Stories, tips, guidance, and inspiration for single moms
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My Thoughts on Survive N Thrive
I had been remarried for only three months when I went to my first Survive ‘N’ Thrive conference. I attended, not as a single mom, but because someone invited me to sponsor a lunch table and I was curious to see how my donation was being used. Answering the call to support a single mothers’ conference was an easy YES for me. I had just spent the last five years raising two little boys on my own and I couldn’t wait to give back in some way.
Wishes and Dreams
I was thirty years old when I gave birth to my youngest child. Jay was quickly diagnosed with Down syndrome and congenital heart disease. My little bundle of joy was a very sick baby. His immune system just didn’t kick in.
Do You Need A Good Laugh?
I recall one day when I was a single mom, someone came up to me and commented, “Pam you used to be funny.” And my reply was, “Well, life used to be funnier.” Sound familiar?
Picking Up the Pieces
Storms happen. In Oklahoma, we are very familiar with tornadoes that rip houses from their foundations. They leave a trail of debris and piles of rubble. They forever alter the landscape.