I Get You
Are you a single mom? I GET YOU this Christmas!
I saw a single mom at church last Sunday. A dear lady. Friend. Professional business woman I respect greatly. We chatted two seconds in the hallway of the ladies rest room (Why is that a good place to bond)? And within seconds, without her saying a word, I saw into her soul and knew that the holidays were a hard time (families everywhere, “single”ness glaring her in the face, with the challenge of meeting her former in-laws for lunch soon for the kids’ sake). Yet, without her saying a word about any of this, I just knew, and out of my mouth blurted, “I get you. I just get you!” It feels good when someone GETS YOU. Doesn’t it? Makes you feel like you’re not abnormal or weird.
Friend, no matter what you’re facing this holiday as a single mother, I GET YOU. I’ve been there. And though Christ is in your heart, it’s stillhard and there’s still a spot of emptiness that won’t go away. Sometimes you just need to know that someone understands. Cares.
As a follower of Christ, “this” season is purposeful. We rarely learn the deeper truths about our Savior (as comforter, provider, sustainer, the One who comes alongside) outside the channel of hardship, aloneness, discouragement, or sadness. Yet, I might also add, that these times are temporary. It’s a fact we all know: nothing stays the same. Next year (if the Lord wills), your life situation might look totally different. What attribute of our precious Savior will He have embedded in your heart that you’ll carry a lifetime as a result of Christmas 2015?
So the question remains: Will you embrace the NOW and let Jesus and His Holy Spirit fill the barren place? Will you say, Lord, teach me about you in the midst of this. Show me what it feels like to have a peace that surpasses all understanding. Open the Word of God and sooth my discomfort. Walk with me through the next few weeks and open my eyes to your presence with my family. Help me navigate my children through this season of materialism when our household falls short of finances. Let me find a new meaning of JOY that has nothing to do with my situation, relationships (or lack thereof) or bank account. Show me what it looks like to experience YOU as my strength and song.
Friend, even if you marry one day and start another family, Jesus will still be the only one who can fill every void and disappointment you can’t fix. So NOW, this holiday, is a great time to “put your pain” to work and practice what a relationship with Christ looks like. You’re single. Through Christ, He can enable you as an overcomer in ways you never dreamed possible.
I have you on my heart this day. Yes, I GET YOU! And I might add: I believe in you, too