Waiting: Pinpointing the Desire // Kim Heinecke

The Single Momcast
Arise Ministries
Waiting: Pinpointing the Desire // Kim Heinecke

Are you in a season of waiting? Do you feel stuck in a holding pattern in life? How do we navigate the space between what is and what could be?  Each of us has experienced times in which we feel forgotten or overlooked. Is God withholding something special from you? Or is he working all things together for your good while you wait? Discover the importance of waiting well and learn what we can do in the interval spaces of life. For the next four podcasts, we will be publishing the audio from our Online Bible Study called Waiting. Listen in to the podcasts or watch the videos online at https://arisesinglemoms.com/bible-study

As a former single mom, Kim Heinecke uses her life experiences and personal spiritual growth through studying God’s Word to encourage women. She and her husband have four sons and live in Edmond, OK. Listen as Kim walks us through the journey of waiting.