Waiting: Patience to Wait // Kim Heinecke

The Single Momcast
Arise Ministries
Waiting: Patience to Wait // Kim Heinecke

Patience. We all want it, but none of us want to work for it. Seasons of waiting generally test our patience. Are you able to stay the course and wait for God’s best every time, or are you like most people and sometimes fall victim to restlessness and race ahead of God? What are the dangers of taking matters into our own hands and abandoning the call to wait on the Lord? In this final session, we will examine what’s at stake when we fail to surrender to God’s timeline, and we’ll discover the path of redemption for when we stray.

For this series, we will be publishing the audio from our Online Bible Study called Waiting. Listen in to the podcasts or watch the videos online and find the study guides at https://arisesinglemoms.com/bible-study

As a former single mom, Kim Heinecke uses her life experiences and personal spiritual growth through studying God’s Word to encourage women. She and her husband have four sons and live in Edmond, OK. Listen as Kim walks us through the journey of waiting.