Life Lessons for Single Moms
Emerge, Vol. 2
Volume 2 of the Emerge: Life Lessons for Single Moms series focuses on the emotional wellness of being a single mom, including positive self-worth, healthy relationships, and the wisdom needed in enhancing personal and spiritual growth.
Session 1: Living in COntentment
Many women struggle with contentment since life doesn’t always turn out the way we planned. We compare our circumstances to others and feel ours falls short. Contentment is a security in who we are and where God has us. It’s a decision we make daily. If you’ve ever questioned, “How do I thrive in my status and situation?” then this session is perfect for you. You’ll learn 5 key steps to help you live and rest in contentment.
Shelley Pulliam is an accomplished speaker, author, and educator, is acertified behavior consultant and 20 year practitioner of nonprofit leadership. Through her book Keys to Unlocking the Cage, Shelley shares her own struggles as she offers tips to breaking free from the captivity of low self-worth. As a speaker, she has partnered with LifeWay and The Navigators for regional conferences. Shelley’s expertise as a middle school educator and her innovative teaching methods have been recognized with numerous awards including Teacher of the Year and national outstanding teacher in the area of Holocaust education. As a single, never married, Shelley devotes her time to Arise Ministries, a nonprofit ministry she co-founded to educate and encourage women to develop a relationship with Christ.
Session 2: Parenting is an act of Spiritual Worship
Being a mother is a full-time job with plenty of ups and downs. Sometimes the responsibility can be overwhelming as circumstances become challenging. In those times, we are called to keep our eyes on Jesus – dying to ourselves, focusing on the unseen, fighting in prayer and trusting God to change hearts. For the mother who follows Christ, parenting is often less about the behavior modification of our children and more about the posture of our hearts before a holy God.
Kim Heinecke is a former single mother and uses her personal testimony of God’s provision, healing and restoration to encourage others in their journey of raising children alone. She is passionate about bringing the Word of God into the lives of her children in easy, practical ways that connect God’s truth to the reality of their world. With humor and personal experience, Kim challenges her audience to be intentional in the spiritual development of children. She is on staff with Arise Ministries and teaches at the annual single mothers’ conference. She leads a Bible study for single mothers at her church and enjoys speaking to women’s groups. Kim and her husband live in Edmond where they are raising four sons to be followers of Christ.
Session 3: Real Talk ABout Relationships
The only part of a relationship that we can control is ourselves. In this REAL talk session on interactions with others, not only will you learn how to be real with yourself, but you will also learn how to be a magnet for healthy relationships, resist temptation, keep the faith, and allow God to keep you. A successful connection with others is an art that can only be mastered by God. This session reveals keys to having a God-ordered relationship with others.
Dr. Chiquita Miller is living proof that God can heal a broken heart. After twenty-two years of marriage, six separations and two divorces (to the same man), Chiquita finally had the courage to leave a toxic relationship for good. She is a single mother of two daughters and one son, all married. She has a bonus grandson, two grand-dogs and a very spoiled Chihuahua named Peanut. Having received a PhD in Social Work Services, she became a best-selling author and launched both God’s Girl Ministries and Royal Touch Mentoring Academy. She’s the director of iLife Enrichment Ministry at IVVC and travels extensively around the world sharing the Gospel, using her multifaceted gifts, including comedy.
Session 4: Personalizing Your Bible
We all know that studying God’s Word is a necessity for long-term spiritual health, but can it be FUN, as well? In this session you will discover ways to personalize the scriptures by making this activity a favored hobby. Because God is a creative God, He’s given you an imaginative spirit in which to explore the wonder of His written Word. It’s time to open its cover and document your life journey. Let your relationship with Christ leave a powerful legacy inscribed on the pages of your own Bible.
Pam Kanaly was named National Mother of Achievement in Washington, D.C, and best-selling author of The Single Mom and Her Rollercoaster Emotions, is one of America’s leading advocates for single mothers. Pam’s been used in the lives of thousands of women in rebuilding a lifestyle foundation built upon the principles of God’s Word. As co-founder of Arise Ministries, an international nonprofit reaching single mothers worldwide, Pam believes when we don’t like what’s happening outwardly, we change what’s happening inwardly. Pam’s outreach through national television, radio and published articles always combines biblical insight and candid humor delivering a tale of hope.
Session 5: Your Home is Not Broken
The theme in this lesson will introduce the single mom to the master potter – God Himself. You will realize through this study that God can remold the single parent family into the family He wants it to be. You will discover ways you, too, can turn your home from a ‘broken home’ into a single-parent family.
Linda Ranson Jacobs is one of the forefront leaders in the areas of children and divorce. Having been both divorced and widowed, Linda was a single mom who learned firsthand the emotional and support needs of single-parent homes. As a children’s ministry director and program developer, speaker, author, trainer, and therapeutic child care center owner, Linda has assisted countless parents and their children. Linda created and developed the DivorceCare for Kids program designed to bring healing, comfort, and coping skills to children of divorce. Local churches use DC4K to launch a children’s divorce recovery ministry in their community. For eight years she served as the DC4K Executive Director and is now the DC4K Ambassador. She teaches ministry leaders how to create a family-friendly church for single parents and their kids.
Session 6: Mom it Out
Ah, the many hats of single motherhood… embracing the art of multitasking, maintaining some sanity, and being “present” can be exhausting. We need practical ways to both share and receive quality presence in the day to day chaos. Living well in the present means setting healthy boundaries and pursuing whole health – mentally, emotionally, physically, relationally and spiritually. Without balance, we are spent! But when we create a life lived well in the present, we can live and love with freedom, and MOM IT OUT with sanity.
Stacey Johnson is a licensed professional counselor at her private practice, The Purple Couch, in Oklahoma City. Stacey works passionately with women and girls of all ages and seasons toward healing and personal growth, as well as with families, couples, and businesses working to empower goal setting and mindful living. Along with private, individual counseling, Stacey owns and teaches at a dance studio, and enjoys leading monthly workshops and quarterly retreats geared to refresh and inspire women to fulfill their greatest potential in life and relationships. Stacey is married and grateful to be a momma to 8 children and Gammy to one granddaughter. You can connect with Stacey at
Session 7: Only the Lonely
At times you may feel lonely – having to handle all the responsibility of your home, kids, and finances by yourself. But God teaches that being lonely is saying you have no hope. As a believer, there is always a fresh pathway to endurance. This session shares ways to be encouraged when you “think” you’re doing single motherhood alone.
Kris Swiatocho is the director of and Ministries. She is vivacious, knowledgeable and passionate, serving in various ministry capacities for the last 25 years. An accomplished trainer/mentor/author, Kris has a heart to reach and grow people so they will in turn reach and grow others. Kris is a graduate of North Carolina State University with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Design/Visual Design. She has also received some graduate training at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and been an affiliate staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ. Kris is a featured writer for and Kris is the author of 5 books/studies including: Jesus, Single Like Me, and From the Manger to the Cross, The Women in Jesus’ Life.
Session 8: A Woman’s Worth
When we want to know the worth of something, we go to the maker. For example, if we want to know the worth of an iPhone, we go to Apple. Or if we’re curious about the worth of a Michael Kors bag, shouldn’t we ask Michael himself? Well, how about OUR significance? And who’s OUR maker? Shouldn’t we consult HIM? Join Kenya as she challenges us to eliminate the encumbrances that keep us in bondage, hindering us from embracing our truest identity and experiencing the fullness of God.
Kenya Ulmer, certified life coach, author, teacher and speaker, experienced some ugly drama. Now drama-free, she teaches women how to ditch the drama and distractions to get on the road to their destiny. Nothing bothers Kenya more than seeing women not understand the power they possess and knowing their true worth. When she’s not slaying drama, she’s playing it. Draped in a gold lame’ jacket, and pounding rock and roll on her piano, she won first place in a talent competition, singing her rendition of Jerry Lee Lewis’ Great Balls of Fire. Kenya resides in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area with her daughter Sydney – queen of the selfie. You can connect with Kenya at