Online Bible Studies

Emerge Vol. 1

Life Lessons for Single Moms

Volume 1 of the Emerge: Life Lessons for Single Moms series focuses on the responsibilities that come with being a single mom, including practical parenting skills and time management techniques needed for staying strong in the trenches.

Video 1:  Part 1 – Pam Kanaly & Part 2 – Chiquita Miller-Nolan
Video 2:  Part 3 – Amber Given & Part 4 – Heather McFarland
Video 3:  Part 5 – Christy Johnson & Part 6 – Kim Heinecke
Video 4: Part 7 – Beth Cox Brown & Part 8 – Alice Richardson

Explore Part 2 →

Series Parts

Part 1 - Pam Kanaly & Part 2 - Chiquita Miller-Nolan

Knowing Your Identity in Christ – Pam Kanaly

Do you ever feel lost as a mom amidst your onslaught of responsibilities? Activating your identity in Christ is key to emerging into a wholesome woman of God with a sense of significance and purpose. However, many single mothers don’t connect their truest value to what God says about them. In this lesson, you’ll discover three foundational truths that enable single mothers to grasp the Father’s unconditional love. Every single mother will leave this session empowered with fresh faith in her worth as a person, parent, and possession of God. You’re not who you think you are… You’re much, much MORE!


Staying Strong in the Trenches – Chiquita Miller-Nolan

Have you ever felt that as a single mom you were in a war just to survive? Well, guess what? You are in a war; however, it’s not a battle to simply survive, but to thrive in victory. In this lesson, you will find encouragement, motivation, and strength to get up, live without regrets, and keep moving forward. You will find hope and encouragement to trust God to help you build a productive life for you and your children in spite of the past.

Part 3 - Amber Given & Part 4 - Heather McFarland

Practical Parenting Techniques – Amber Given

As a single mother, it can be difficult to know how to best parent your child. The world’s view of parenting and discipline is often very different compared to biblical truths. Hebrews 12:11(NIV) says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” If you are looking for practical ways to provide discipline that will bring peace to your family, then this lesson is for you. 


What About Dating? – Heather McFarland

There is much to consider on the subject of dating, particularly for a single mom. Similar to all areas of our lives, dating gives us an opportunity to model to our children the Father’s standard for relationships. Why would one want to date? When is a good time to consider this option? What is the difference between dating and courtship? Learning God’s perspective on right relationships will guide you into making God-honoring choices.

Part 5 - Christy Johnson & Part 6 - Kim Heinecke

Forgiveness – Christy Johnson

Everyone knows we’re supposed to forgive, but who teaches us how? How does one deal with the challenges of raising children alone or forget the mangled mess of the past? How do you handle unpaid child support, custody battles or the “other woman” without blowing your top? Most often our propensity to bitterness is due to false beliefs we hold about adversity and what it means to forgive and forget. In this session, you will discover key truths to overlooking offenses so that you can live free from the bondage of bitterness.  


Spiritually Training Your Children – Kim Heinecke

In our role as a parent, our most important responsibility is to lead our children to the heart of God. Sometimes that can seem a bit intimidating and overwhelming. Where do we start? How do we do it? In this session, you’ll gain insight into nurturing a child’s spiritual development – at any age. Learn practical ways to connect the reality of the world in which we live with the unchanging truth of God’s Word. Discover four key thoughts that will empower you to make the most of every opportunity to share biblical principles that will leave a lasting impression on the children.  

Part 7 - Beth Cox Brown & Part 8 - Alice Richardson

Time Management for Single Moms – Beth Cox Brown

Only two hands, only 24 hours in a day, and the “to-do” list just gets longer! Let’s take a deep, prayerful breath and start with a new approach. You have – and you are – everything you need to stop the frantic pace, the feeling of being overwhelmed, and the guilt that strangles you. In this session you will learn ten tips to get time back on your side, avoid time-stealing traps, establish priorities, and gain permission to just let some things go. Embrace the lovely, confident woman He created you to be with this family-friendly, scripturally-based time management strategy.


Hearing from God – Alice Richardson

TV’s blearing, cell phones vibrating, deadlines, and dead ends. Is it possible that God is speaking to you in the midst of the frenzy? What is He saying? How can you hear Him? For many Christians today, life has become so noisy that its events drown out the voice of God. Instead of His voice, what is heard is one’s own voice devising worldly reasoning instead of God’s voice revealing divine wisdom. This session will teach you practical ways to turn down the volume of the world so you can hear the voice of God. He is speaking. Let us listen.

Helping Single Moms Navigate Life