“You won’t understand until you are a parent.” It’s a regular declaration in my house that typically follows some kind of childish fit.
Arguing with my parenting decisions and questioning my methods are favorite hobbies among my children. With four sons ranging from age 5 to 19, there are plenty of opportunities for me to practice training kids to be wise adults. From toys left on the floor to homework undone, from a missed curfew to disrespectful attitudes, setting boundaries and offering consequences is a full time job for me.
My boys rarely see things my way when discipline is involved and in my attempt to over-explain it to them, we all end up frustrated. So I’ve changed my approach and abandoned my self-imposed need to convince them I know what’s best. They simply can’t understand. They are not a parent.
I wonder how many times The Lord has taken the same approach with me? When I wave my fist and fight against his commands for my life, demanding He change His plan, does He lovingly shake His head and say, “She just can’t see my best for her. She doesn’t understand.”
It’s true, I don’t. I can’t grasp the purpose of incurable sickness. I don’t always appreciate enduring hardship. I find it hard to accept present sufferings. Quite frankly, sometimes I don’t understand God. I know I’m not alone in this confession.
My mind turns to Isaiah 55:8-9 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.”
God, our Father, says the same thing about you and me. We don’t think like Him. His perspective is perfect. He is wisdom. We can’t understand everything. We weren’t created with that ability.
Friend, let us celebrate and be thankful we don’t always understand our God. Think about it, who wants to follow one who is as flawed as our human minds? Not me! We’re better off not understanding all that happens or doesn’t happen to us.
When we face the uncertainty, let us remember His ways are higher.
When we are called to step out in faith, let us be mindful His thoughts are higher.
When we can’t see past today, let us rest in the assurance that the heavens are higher than the earth.
Just like my children will eventually see the blessing of my parenting decisions, we will someday enjoy the blessing of His unexplainable ways.
Trust in Him when we can’t understand. Trust in Him who is higher.
About Kim Heinecke
Kim Heinecke wants to live in a world where children listen to the advice of their mothers without question. As a former single mom she’s been encouraging women using her life experiences in parenting, growing in the Word of God and everything in between. When she’s not negotiating with a teenager or wrestling a pre-schooler, you can find her camping in the family RV or pretending to understand sports with her husband and four sons. Read more from Kim at www.TheMomExperiment.com.