What Are You Doing God?

Have you ever been in the middle of circumstances and all of a sudden you ask, “What in the world is God doing?” We really want to trust, but sometimes we’re thrust into situations that are either difficult, overwhelming, or downright befuddling.

I remember graduating from college and there were no teaching jobs available in Oklahoma. I sent out resume after resume while I worked at a movie theater. Free movies and popcorn are a pretty good perk, but I wanted to teach. There were no leads anywhere. 

I visited the job placement office at my university, and they showed me a request from a small district in California called Thermal that was searching for teachers. I don’t know if I was naïve, stupid, or crazy, but I flew to Palm Springs on a Wednesday for an interview, accepted the job, and started the following Monday.

When I stood at the front of the classroom looking at the faces of the precious migrant workers’ children, realizing I didn’t know anyone and was far from home, I uttered the phrase, “God what in the world are you doing?” It was not what I had planned, but it was exactly what I needed to build confidence, independence, and have a grand time spending six years in southern California. Some of my favorite memories reside in that time period.

Many individuals in the Bible walked through seasons of questioning and confusion. Abraham surely sought God after he was told to take his only son up the mountain and sacrifice him in an act of obedience. Do you think with each sandal-footed step Abraham whispered, “I trust you. I believe you are all powerful. You are my God, but God, what are you doing?” What about Noah as he sawed, pounded, and constructed the ark amid taunts and ridicule from his neighbors? Or maybe Jonah as he sat in the darkness of the whale’s belly. There are thousands of examples tucked in the pages for us to read. 

Do you find yourself in a “What in the world is God doing” moment? Good. Because there’s purpose and promise swirling in its midst. We will always have moments we don’t understand because we view it from our perspective through an earthly lens. But maybe you’ll deepen your faith like Abraham, learn obedience from Jonah, or capture a whole new future like Noah. Whatever the outcome, there will be a reason.

I’m currently walking through such a time. I can see God at work even though there is difficulty and confusion. I realize that on the other side I will look back and grin at all God accomplished or taught me. Currently, I know it’s a season of having to cling to him and trust in his plan. He is such a faithful and mighty God. 

Sometimes, I think he smiles when we throw up our hands, shake our heads, and whisper, “God, what in the world are you doing?” because he knows he’s up to something good.

Shelley Pulliam

About Shelley Pulliam

Howdy! (A girl from Oklahoma has to use this as her greeting) I’m Shelley Pulliam, executive director of Arise Ministries and former teacher of hormone-filled 8th graders. But my real claim to fame rests in my award as second grade spelling bee champ and my recent gun-handling skills as I train to competition shoot. It helps me be on guard when Satan comes knocking. I’m a voracious reader and can frequently be found at the theater enjoying movie marathons where my record stands at six in one day. I’m a single, never married, who loves to pour into children at every opportunity. Let me know if you have any for sale.