Mission: Survive N Thrive
I attended Survive ‘N’ Thrive two summers after my divorce was final. At that point, I was done crying, had found my way back to Christ and I was looking for solutions. I had a firm foundation, I just needed some guidance on how to do this whole thing solo. I was on a mission and Survive ‘N’ Thrive was going to help me; I just knew it!
I didn’t go with any friends because all my friends were still happily married, so as I had become accustomed to, I flew solo. I sat back the first night and noticed all the different types of single moms there. Some were withdrawn and quiet, some were there with real hurts and real tears, and some were there laughing and hugging friends. It was comforting, knowing I was not alone in this single momma thing and sad because I knew this was not how God intended families to be. There were too many single mommas in my city! But no time for tears, I was on a mission.
I got up early the next morning and headed in to start the classes. This is where the really good stuff was going to come. After reviewing the list of classes I knew exactly where I was headed. The day was filled with many great speakers and teachers, but the one that really stuck out to me was a lady who talked about creating a Family Pledge. You see, like me, she had been a single mom to two boys and she had successfully raised them. In fact one of her sons was there supporting his mom and his fiancé who was a single mom. This lady was right up my alley! I listened to her stories about how she protected Friday nights for their Family Fun Nights. Even through the high school years her boys may have brought friends or girls along, but they always spent those nights together. She talked about how her home was the home that other boys wanted to come and hang out.
THAT IS WHAT I WANTED! That was just the guidance I needed. She went on to share about how the three of them together sat down and wrote a Family Pledge. This pledge was a statement of who they wanted to be as a family. I absolutely loved this and was taking notes as fast as my little hands could write them. For me, my mission was complete. I had found that nugget to take back home to help guide our future.
My little boys and I sat down and wrote our family pledge together. I printed it, framed it and hung it in our living room. That family pledge has continued to hang in our home. My little boys aren’t so little anymore, but everything written in that pledge still holds true. Have we lived our pledge perfectly? Not even close, but it is there to remind us of who we strive to be.
I wanted to share my story in hopes that you will determine your mission. Maybe your mission is to heal from hurts, maybe it is to refresh your spirit from trying to do this solo for far too long, maybe it is just to have adult time for a short time. Whatever it is, you can find it at Survive ‘N’ Thrive. Pray about what it is God wants to reveal to you, pray about your mission and then come with a willing spirit to receive it!