Growth Chart

I have been transferring old VHS tapes to our computer recently. It’s been fun looking back and remembering high school, college, and when the kids were little. I looked at the newborn tapes of my boys and couldn’t believe they were so little. It feels like yesterday! I still remember that new mom feeling when my oldest was born. He is now 15-1/2 and taller than me! His voice has grown to a deep sound that makes me think it’s a man talking in the other room when I hear it. His growth is obvious to me. His maturity is evident. The same goes for my other kids.

While I know this is a normal occurrence in life, it struck me how easy it is to see growth in our children but not in ourselves. Our feet aren’t growing. We don’t take math tests or spelling tests weekly. We don’t see too many changes in pictures from year to year. It’s a gradual change. I know we don’t want to age quickly, but it sure is nice to see progression, isn’t it? If we could look at our wisdom and maturity on a report card, how would that look?

I challenge you to look back to last year at this time. Have you been through an experience where God developed strength in you? Have you overcome something (or had some victories toward overcoming it?) Have you learned something new? Have you started a new discipline? All those things point toward growth!

We are so hard on ourselves. I know I am. I discount the things that don’t seem like a big deal. Take time to write down progress in your life. Even if you have only made 10% progress towards something, it’s still progress.

  • I know God sees your progress. Your family does as well.

  • He knows when you pray more. Your family knows too.

  • He knows when you are broken in humility. They know too.

  • He knows when your thought life has improved. They know too.

  • He knows when you handle something gracefully. They know too.

  • He knows when you are striving to be more like Jesus. They know it too.

It’s time for YOU to know it!

What does your spiritual growth chart look like? Celebrate any amount of progress today and thank God for bringing you to where you are.

“…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”  Phil 1:6

Shelley Pulliam

Howdy! (A girl from Oklahoma has to use this as her greeting) I’m Shelley Pulliam, Executive Director of Arise Single MOms and former teacher of hormone-filled 8th graders. But my real claim to fame rests in my award as second grade spelling bee champ and my recent gun-handling skills as I train to competition shoot. It helps me be on guard when Satan comes knocking. I’m a voracious reader and can frequently be found at the theater enjoying movie marathons where my record stands at six in one day. I’m a single, never married, who loves to pour into children at every opportunity. Let me know if you have any for sale.


Lighten Up


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