Goodbye 2019 – 20 Truths about the Past

Here it is—New Year’s Eve. I’m so excited that my blog post was scheduled for December 31.  The last day of the year has always caused me to be rather nostalgic as I glance in my rearview mirror at the previous 364 days.

Yet what has happened over the years as I’ve been waving goodbye to the present year is this: I’ve been awakened to the value of our past. While so many of us shun those regrets, disappointments, and tears, our past actually serves as one of our greatest life advantages. How is that so?

Consider these 20 truths.

l. Our past is uniquely wonderful. It is proof that what God allows, He redeems.

2. Our past is a personalized documentary. It proves how far we’ve come.

3. Our past is not what defines us. It’s only part of our story.

4. Our past is a storybook. It contains memories to share with our kids and grandkids.

5. Our past is a reminder. It helps ensure that difficult history does not repeat itself.

6. Our past is known by God. That means the future is in His hands.

7. Our past is not permanent. It’s only one out of many seasons to come.

8. Our past is not wasted. God works it all together for good.

9. Our past is in the past. Tomorrow is a clean slate.

10. Our past is a memory. It makes way for future dreams.

11. Our past is our testimony. It is the vehicle God uses to showcase our witness.

12. Our past is a platform. It’s a foundation that has weathered life’s storms proving that God’s grace is sufficient. 

13. Our past is a character builder. It transforms us into a person we’ve never been before.

14. Our past is a conversation that makes us laugh. Silly things we’ve done come to the surface.

15. Our past is to be celebrated. It’s a reason to thank God for what we don’t deserve.

16. Our past is a teacher. It’s living proof that we often act before we think.

17. Our past is a container. It holds all of our days, which were ordained by God before we were born.

18. Our past is a springboard. It gives birth to rising up as an overcomer.

19. Our past contains the good ol’ days. It’s a place we visit on rainy days.

20. Our past is forgiven. Through Jesus Christ we have been released to live our best life yet!

So go ahead, my friend. Look back for a few minutes. It’s the only way to move forward into 2020 with victory.

About Pam Kanaly   

Aloha! I’m Pam Kanaly, President and co-founder of Arise Ministries. But actually, I think Arise found me wanting to bless single moms years ago. Ministry was never on my mind as a kid. All I wanted to be was a hula dancer. So Mother enrolled me in the tiny tots’ class. Guess God knew I’d have two grandbabies born in Hawaii. I love the great outdoors. You might even find me spending time with my husband grizzly bear watching or camping. In fact, it was on a turkey hunt that God gave me the name Arise Ministries in 2002. I suppose it’s a good thing that I majored in Grammar in college since I love to write words of encouragement to single moms.